The current generation is 'published' in the globe of opportunities, of liberalization , of shopping malls and cellular revolution. they are centuries ahead of the generation just decades behind them. still what they see, is not the growth but the deficits. not the roads but the pot holes. not the duties but the rights.
Its the genx of "iss desh ka kuch nahi ho sakta".
Underdeveloped cities are "gaons" and unprivileged children are its "ganwars". instead of thinking what they can do, its all about where to run away from the reality. that is why, the gentry of the oasis's(the metros and larger town), amidst the desert of hunger, poverty and destitute, has nothing to care, and far from to relate to the problems or to just sympathize to their fellow countrymen. its all about competitive earning, lavish spending, Hippocratic lifestyle and self obsession. its called the page3 living, but has never cared to the conditions of page 1 or 2.
What actually they donot realize or dont want to perspicate is, as truly said by dr. shashi tharoor, "an India denied to some of us would be an india denied to all." we cannot grow or move forward alone as a single entity. TATA has to sell nano and indicas to the middle class in India in order to take over tauras in Europe. whether we like it or not, our future is in some way or the other is related to those living in underprivileged or yet to develop areas. and we have to bring them to the front-lines of development, opportunities and most importantly

we can easily say " what can i do singlehandedly? i am just earning enough for my family" well even we can do much(if not monetarily) by saving electricity, saving fuel, recycling, charity and taking some time out for maybe helping in teaching or voluntary health care.we should never forget the age old theory of greed vs. need, what we gain should be our need to grow rather than greed to show.
the generation being one eyed has 'aimed the fish' gained a lot of concentration and passion to conquer in this new era, India has the 2nd largest pool of scientists and engineers, a G.D.P. of more than 8%(hardly any agriculture input), gaining the top jobs around the world and brimming with confidence but(however late we are) its high time to repay to our forefathers who have brought this 'kashti' for us out of turbulence of tyranny or like the recent ones like dr. manmohan singh who brought the country out of being 'broke'. its a new era, new generation and a new chance to be conscious, to think and realize and let us all stand together and prove that "we, the Indians are what we are"